New haircuts
While I was attending the Marcy Cook math conference, Auntie-A took them to Sharon for new haircuts. Its funny because not only did we grow up knowing Sharon, but hubby also used to go to her to have his hair cut while he was in college. And we didn't find that out until waaaay after college. I guess what they say about 6 degrees of seperation is true.
Lifeline's Mother-Daughter Tea
This is a tea that Lifeline Pregnancy Center hosted for area gals. One of my best friends, JA (and no that does not stand for what you think!!! - who also can be referred to as "miss pretty hair and smile" or "MPH&S") and I helped with it.
I was in charge of the craft and this is what the girls made. It was not my idea - I just took and it and ran. They are paperwhite bulbs. It was a very easy (read mess-free) craft that symbolizes our faith and growing with God (the bulb/roots in the rocks - remember the wise man?) with resulting purity (the white flower). The verse that we taped to the cup reads, "Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him" -Colossians 2:17
We finally got our Christmas Card photos done. These are some funny out-takes. What hams.
What is she about to do with that lightbulb? Aaaaaaallllllllllvvvviiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!
While Visions of Sugarplums Danced in Their Heads
Or maybe on the topiary form. I had this gumdrop topiary that I did back in 2004 while we were still in Charlotte and due to moving (which took the course of 2 years) and then our temporary lapse in sanity last year with hubby taking a job ACROSS THE COUNTRY, I haven't done it since. It is a fun time in our lives now because the girls can take something like this and do it themselves. They had fun but since I hadn't let the gum drops thaw (yes, I stored them in the freezer since 2004) they were cold and sticky on their fingers. They asked for the little gloves. Honest. I'm not THAT anal! But the gloves didn't come without their own problems. Wonder when Dollar Tree is going to start carrying junior plastic gloves?!? Heehee
Disney on Ice & Girl Scouts
We also went to see Disney on Ice with the girls' Girl Scout troop. We went early with Ms. England's family and ate together at the Cheesecake Factory. .
Oh how I miss CF. I got the Bang Bang Chicken and Shrimp, my old standard. When you find something you like I say don't deviate.Anyway, we didn't take any pix while at DOI but we did stay with Auntie-A and Uncle-Fun. Here's Miss Priss snuggled up on the couch with Uncle-Fun the next morning.
Intimate Mother-Daugher Tea
Well, I don't know if we should really call it a "Tea" since we didn't officially drink tea - rather punch and cider. It was a nice lunch with four generations of mothers and daughters. Thanks to Auntie-A and Meme too we had plenty-o tasty things to eat.
Farmer Santa?
You know some of the best things in life aren't planned. I have never really "pushed" sitting on Santa's lap to my girls. They never have much cared for it and sadly it always seemed like a lot of trouble. (Is that wrong?). So most (if not all) of the pictures we have of the girls with Santa were not planned events but happenstance. Anyway, it was the last day of the Farmer's Market for the year (until spring) just up from our house so I took the girls. And lo-and-behold who was there, none other than Old St. Nick himself. The girls didn't want to sit on his lap but I bribed them by pointing out the container of candy canes beside his chair (;-), Coll). When we walked away Miss Priss said, he was a crazy Santa. And Little-bit looks just thrilled, huh?!?
Dancing Angels
Whew...this is getting long and its only December 20th?!? The last event I have pictures of is the girls' homeschool dance class. Ms. Pam is a wonderful teacher - first class all the way. We're hoping to start acrobatics with her after the first of the year.