Thursday, October 28, 2010


Recently, I happened upon a fellow homeschooler's blog, Jimmie's Place who shares many of my same views on all things homeschool related.  On Jimmie's blog was a link to her darling daughter's blog, Sprite's Craft Corner.  Well, that started the ball rolling and now Ms. Priss has debuted her new blog, Me & My Brilliant Ideas with her "pen name", Lizzy.  (She wanted "Me & My Big Ideas" but that blog name was already taken so Li'l Bit suggest "brilliant" and it stuck).  First order of business...she's describing how to draw a face. 
Please stop by and leave her a comment.  She'll be pickled tink.


  1. Hi Ginger,

    Have you heard about the homeschool co-op online blogging course and "Challenge Yourself to Blog"? My daughter (8) is participating in both. Shoot me an email if you'd like more info!

    tiffany dot manley at hotmail dot com

  2. That is so cute! I have a 10 year old daughter....I spend too much time on my blog so I don't know if I want her following suit!! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you make the soup!!!!
