Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Advent Season is nearing

I usually have good intentions but I recall a saying about a road to "somewhere" being paved with good intentions???   Every year I really wanted to do Advent activities but we just always seemed to fall short.  Thanks to the, yet again, shrewd and wonderful read-aloud recommendation of my good friend, Colleen, last year was different.

So, if you have experienced similar situations...I am imploring you, run don't walk to your nearest book store and get yourself a copy of one of these books in Jotham's Journey Christmas Trilogy.  We started the series last year with the first book in the series, Jotham's Journey

One thing I do recommend is if you're going to use the advent candles (and I recommend it for the ambiance, alone) try to buy larger ones (and I mean large as in "thicker" than just the 10 or 12 inch regular taper candles). Otherwise they'll melt down before you're through because unlike burning them in church only on Sunday, you're burning them every night and they will melt down before the end of the Advent season.  I am thinking this year we may try to make our own beeswax candles.  If I can't find the materials locally, I may just order some from this site.

The candles just add to the whole experience.  Last year my husband usually read the story each night and it was a special, wonderful time for all of us.  I found myself looking forward to each night's reading.  I'll bet you will too.  What special memories our family now holds marking the coming celebration of the birth of our Savior King.  And we all learned a little something along the way too.  Thank you Mr. Ytreeide.

 Sunday, November 28, 2010

So mark your calendars...Sunday, November 28th starts this year's Advent season.

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